We at Nandal hospital have arranged special Antenatal classes that will help you to prepare for birth and labor .These classes will also guide you about late pregnancy along with conducting special sessions for breastfeeding where you are guided about different aspects of breastfeedind.

Our antenatal program Matritva has been special arranged by best gynecology hospital in Rohtak which to cope up the expecting mothers to changes during pregnancy, labor and early parenthood.

Our classes will focus on the following issues:
  • You will be taught about common symptoms and ailments by our best gynaecologist associated with pregnancy. It will help you to look into the matter deeply when you are going to expect for the first time.
  • Information regarding due date is provided to you by our female doctor if you have any confusion regarding your last period missed.
  • Right nutrition guide for expecting mothers is also provided where they are given diet chart for every trimester.
  • Exercises to be done during and after pregnancy are also directed to them.
  • Pain relief methods are guided by our experienced staff.
  • Expecting mothers are guided about various changes they are going to experience during different trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Mothers and fathers are also told about the stuff they will need during and after delivery to take care of the baby.

Along with these points, you are also guided about, Do’s and Donts during pregnancy, what are the main signs of labor so that you should prepare yourself before. Information on stem cell banking along with postnatal care, exercises, breast feeding and baby care are also provided from time to time, to cover the need and requirements of expecting mothers.

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